Osteopathy Massage
What exactly is Osteopathy, and how can it benefit You?
The purpose of Osteopathy is to boost the overall health of the body. Osteopathy is an alternative health practice focused on an individual's whole body. It is not invasive and does not require drugs, and falls under the umbrella of alternative medicine. It is based on manipulating muscles, nerves, and bone tissues. In other words, it is designed to care for the muscles and skeletal system.
Osteopathy is a holistic, entire-body approach to healthcare.
It utilizes hands-on manual methods to improve circulation and correct the biomechanics of the body without the need for medications. They use manual techniques to regulate all body systems and provide general health and wellbeing.
Osteopathy Clinic
Osteopathy can offer the relief needed and treatments for a broad spectrum of health conditions such are:
leg, hip and knee joint pain
neck pain, back pain, as well as sciatica
shoulder, hand and elbow discomfort
tennis elbow and golfer's elbow
postural issues due to injuries from sports, pregnancy working strain, driving or digestive issues
What is An Osteopath Do?
Based on their exam and examination findings, the osteopath develops a treatment plan. This will be based on which systems or tissues require the most urgent care and care. Massage, pressure, stretching mobilization and manipulation will all be used to help restore your normal mobility and function. Osteopathy is also believed to improve sleep quality and can positively impact an individual's general health. It has a beneficial effect on the lymphatic, cardiovascular and neurological systems.
Osteopathic treatment can encompass a variety of strategies, for example:
The manipulation and treatment of soft tissues
The drainage of lymph fluids
The release of myofascial adhesions
Techniques that rely on the use of muscle energy
Osteopathic method of joint articulation
The viscera are manipulated