Massage Therapy Clinic
Massage Therapists
Massage Therapy is a hands on manipulation of soft tissues of the body primarily the muscles, ligaments, tendons, joints and connective tissue for the purpose of optimizing health.
Everyone from young to old is taking to massage therapy to relieve the stresses of everyday life, injuries and chronic conditions and maintain well-being and health. According to Chinese documents, it is among the oldest healing practices that date back to 3000 years ago.
Utilizing techniques for manipulation of soft tissue massage helps reduce tension and fatigue while increasing circulation.
Massage can ease anxiety and pain in people suffering from chronic diseases, such as cancer. It can also reduce physical stress. It is a great way to treat ailments like anxiety-related stress, cancer-related fatigue, sleep disorders, high blood pressure, low back pain, diabetes, and depression, to mention just a few.
The massage therapists licensed by the state have many years of experience and have been trained in treating patients suffering from complicated illnesses. They also use massage to boost general health. The kinds of massage available include deep-tissue, Swedish, acupressure techniques, and therapeutic and healing touch.
Conditions to be Treated
Studies have shown that massage may reduce heart rate, decrease blood pressure, and boost lymph flow and circulation. Massage can also relax muscles, increases mobility, and boosts endorphins. All of these can improve medical treatment.
Massage therapy is not a way to increase muscle strength, though it may stimulate weak muscles to compensate for the absence of activity and lack of fitness caused by injury or illness.
Massage therapy can ease physical stress-related conditions, which include:
· Depression and anxiety
· Fatigue
· Headaches and migraines
· Muscle tension, pain back, shoulder, and neck discomfort
· Repetitive stress injuries
In your first session, our massage therapist will ask questions about your health and the symptoms you're experiencing to decide how best to treat your condition. Make sure to let your massage therapist know any health issues you suffer from and the medications you take. They will be able to discuss the areas of your body that you'd like to massage.
The massage will be performed in a room for massage. We want you to feel as relaxed as you can. You'll choose how much you remove your clothing for massage. The massage therapist will leave the room as you take off your clothes. Cover yourself with a clean sheet. Massages using acupressure can be provided by wearing the clothing.
After the massage, you might feel calm and tired or be experiencing a surge in energy, alertness, and concentration.
Massage can help eliminate toxic substances from your soft tissues. Therefore, we suggest you drink plenty of water following your massage to flush out the toxins in your body.
If you are Looking for Massage Therapists in Scarborough ON, request an appointment from Body and Sole Physiotherapy and Rehab Clinic. Our physiotherapists and licensed massage therapists are happy to discuss our massage service with you and how it will benefit your physical performance and also this is useful for the muscles, ligaments, tendons, joints and connective tissue for the purpose of optimizing health.